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- scheme verge、ピチャイ・タイ国商務大臣一行との「Business and Investment Networking」に参加
scheme verge、ピチャイ・タイ国商務大臣一行との「Business and Investment Networking」に参加
- 2025/2/10
- 情報、お知らせ、事件など(日本国内)

Meeting with the Mr. Pichai, Thai Minister of Commerce at Thai Embassy in Tokyo – scheme verge Inc.

(English follows Japanese)
scheme verge株式会社(本社:東京都文京区)は、本年度採択済の日アセアン経済産業協力委員会(AMEICC)委託事業「日本のスタートアップによるASEAN企業との協業を通じた海外展開促進事業」における支援対象企業(対象国:タイ)に選抜に加え、過去に国土交通省『バンスー・スマートシティ都市OSアイデアソン』にて「Excellent Award」受賞などからタイ進出を進めている。その中で、在京タイ王国大使館開催の「Business and Investment Networking」に参加し、タイ国商務大臣のピチャイ・ナリッタパン(ナリプタパン)氏一行や他のタイ進出日系企業との議論に参加した。
We, scheme verge Inc. (Headquarters: Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo) was selected as a support company (target country: Thailand) for the AEM-METI Economic and Industrial Cooperation Committee (AMEICC) commissioned project “Promoting Overseas Expansion of Japanese Startups through Collaboration with ASEAN Companies,” which was adopted this year, and has been expanding into Thailand since winning the “Excellent Award” at the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT)’s “Bang Sue Smart City Urban OS Ideathon.”
During this expantion in Thailand, we participated in the “Business and Investment Networking” held by Thai Embassy in Tokyo, where it participated in discussions with Mr. Pichai Naripthaphan, Minister of Commerce of Thailand, and other Japanese companies expanding into Thailand.
The following topics were discussed for each Japanese company expanding into Thailand.
・Outline of the company’s business in Thailand or business planned to be expanded in Thailand in the future
・Concerns and issues regarding investment in Thailand
・Expectations for support from the Thai government
As mentioned above, we will continue to accelerate our expansion into Thailand.
scheme verge株式会社について
scheme vergeは、都市工学とデータサイエンスを組み合わせてオペレーションに落とし込むノウハウを活かし、エリア活性化に関わるプロセスの再現性向上と、データによる改善判断の効率化・自動化に取り組んでいます。主力製品の「Horai エリアマネジメント( https://horai.sv/area_management )」を提供し、迅速なエリマネ立ち上げと、交通から宿泊まで拡張性ある対応、観光地から都心部まで汎用な展開、そして継続的かつ不可逆な施策の改善を支援しています。
We, scheme verge is leveraging its know-how in combining urban engineering and data science into operations to improve the reproducibility of processes related to area revitalization, and to streamline and automate data-driven improvement decisions. It provides its flagship product, “Horai Area Management ( https://horai.sv/area_management ),” which supports the rapid launch of area management, scalable support from transportation to accommodation, general-purpose deployment from tourist destinations to urban areas, and continuous and irreversible improvement of policies.
会社名:scheme verge株式会社
本社所在地:東京都文京区向丘2-3-10 東大前HiRAKU GATE 401
代表者:代表取締役CEO 嶂南 達貴
東京都知事 登録旅行業 第2-8136号(第二種旅行業)
Company name: scheme verge Inc.
Head office: 401 Todaimae HiRAKU GATE, 2-3-10 Mukogaoka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Founder&CEO Tatsuki Yamanami
Established: July 2018
Website: http://www.schemeverge.com
Registered travel agency by the Governor of Tokyo No. 2-8136 (Type 2 travel agency)
Business description: Design, development and provision of urban and transportation solutions / Research and recommendations on the technical, social, policy and international issues that are barriers to the above / Development, sale and rental of services and software related to information processing, information communication and information provision related to the above