タイにてアセチレンブラック製造設備の設計・調達業務を受注<English Follows>
- 2023/12/4
- 企業PR

TOYO Awarded Acetylene Black Project in Thailand
東洋エンジニアリング株式会社(代表取締役社長 細井 栄治、以下、TOYO) は、日本のデンカ株式会社(代表取締役社長 今井 俊夫) とタイのSCG Chemicals Public Company Limited (SCGケミカルズ 代表取締役社長 Tanawong Areeratchakul) が、合弁会社であるDenka SCGC Advanced Materials Co., Ltd. (デンカ SCGC アドバンスト・マテリアルズ) を通じて投資するアセチレンブラック製造設備の詳細設計・調達業務を受注しました。
製造されたアセチレンブラックは優れた導電性を有するカーボンブラックの一種で、主に大手EV(電気自動車) 向け蓄電池メーカーへ供給される他、洋上風力発電の高圧送電線ケーブル用途などでも使用され、脱炭素化に貢献します。
客先:Denka SCGC Advanced Materials Co., Ltd (デンカ SCGC アドバンスト・マテリアルズ)
建設地:タイ ラヨン州 マプタプット
対象設備:アセチレンブラック製造設備 年産 約1.1万トン
<English Follows>
Toyo Engineering Corporation (TOYO, President and CEO: Eiji Hosoi) has been awarded engineering and procurement contract of Acetylene Black project by Denka SCGC Advanced Materials Co., Ltd., a joint venture company of Denka Company Limited (Denka, President: Toshio Imai) and SCG Chemicals Public Company Limited (SCGC, President: Tanawong Areeratchakul).
Acetylene Black is a type of carbon black with excellent conductivity, mainly used for applications such as EV lithium-ion batteries and high-voltage transmission cables for offshore wind power generation and contribute to carbon neutrality.
TOYO’s proposal for an optimal design and procurement plan that would enable early completion of the project and extensive project experience in Thailand was highly evaluated and led to the contract award.
Taking advantage of the expertise we have gained in the plant engineering business, TOYO will contribute to the development of both companies in the petrochemical product field, as well as to the realization of a carbon-neutral society and the rapid growth in the Southeast Asian market.
Contract Summary
Client:Denka SCGC Advanced Materials Co., Ltd.
Contractor:Toyo Engineering Corporation
Site:Map Ta Phut, Rayong, Thailand
Facilities:Facility to produce Acetylene Black with capacity of approximately 11,000 tons per annum
Scope:Lump sum for detailed engineering and procurement
Completion:Within the first half of 2026